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Cohen & Havian LLP Security and Privacy Notice
Cohen & Havian LLP (C & H) maintains effective control over the security and privacy of personal information collected and retained in our Consulting, Management Advisory and Tax Practices. Personal Information is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of in conformity with the criteria set forth in Generally Accepted Privacy Principles, issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Additionally, we conform to any security and privacy regulations, rules, or laws promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for Certified Public Accountants.

The personal information we collect, such as but not limited to, name, Social Security number, driver’s license or state identification card number, earnings and brokers statements, financial account numbers, credit or debit card statements or numbers is kept secure and restricted to only those individuals with a business need to access that information on a client by client basis. C & H does not collect biometric indicators. All laptops and system boxes that contain personal information are encrypted and password protected. All external storage devices are encrypted and all servers are password protected. C & H also utilized firewalls, up-to-date anti-virus software, current software security patches, and spyware to keep data secure and private. All system backups are also encrypted and a monthly backup is kept in a secure off site location. Any transmission of client data via facsimile or email is sent only at the request of our client. All emails with client information are sent via secure/encrypted transmission. Personal information is only shared with a third party, such as a mortgage company, with the explicit consent of the client.

All C & H employees are educated on the importance of keeping Personal Information secure in and outside of the office. David Cohen, CPA and Managing Partner is the coordinator of Cohen & Havian’s security and privacy protocols. Any questions about our Security and Privacy policies should be directed to David Cohen, CPA.

C & H retains personal information for only as long as necessary to assist our client or as required by statute. At the end of a retention period, the information in hard copy is digitized. The hard copy is then shredded or returned to the client. Digitized personal information is kept securely on our server. At present, C & H does not delete digitized files. When computer hardware is replaced, any storage drives are wiped clean and then physically destroyed.